IAVANTE, Lideres en Formación y Evaluación Sanitaria

International workshop on skull-base surgery

This course examines the latest innovations on skull-base surgery and trains students to perform the most common approaches on the skull-base area. The course takes place in a multimedia classroom and in an experimental operating room using a cryopreserved human bioreactive model.
Total teaching hours 14.00 (14.00 horas presenciales)
Training aims

General objectives

  • To correctly perform the most common skull-base area approaches and their safe implementation on human beings.

Specific objectives

  • To correctly perform the cranio-orbital zigomatic approach.
  • To correctly perform the anterior petrosal approach.
  • To correctly perform the posterior petrosal approach.
  • To correctly perform the endonasal transsphenoidal approach.
  • To correctly perform the transcondylar approach.
  • Experimental surgery simulation
  • Face to face
Evaluation System
  • Practical exercise
  • Continuous evaluation